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Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. you is Does Company's Legal Name *Address *City *Province/State *Zip Code/Postal Code *Telephone *ExtensionContact Person *Email Address *Title Designation *Website *Years in Business *Years at Current Address *Number of EmployeesPresident Name and Ext * Email Address: *Safety/Risk Officer name and Ext *Email AddressFreight Kinds (Freight description/commodities) *Other Locations: *Are you a Logistics or 3PL Company or Carrier, Manufacturer or Distributor? *Logistics or 3PL CompanyCarrier, Manufacturer or DistributorSurety Bond #MC#MC# (if Applicable)DOT# (if Applicable)CVOR# (if applicable)Transain Transport Carriers (LTL services) *Transain Transport Carriers (LTL services)Transain Global Logistics (3PL services)Transain Commercial Warehousing (Warehousing & Distribution services)Transain sales representative/contact name (if known)PIP certified? *YesNoCompany Name with PIP *CTPAT certified? *YesNoCompany Name with CTPAT *WSIB/CSST/W-9? *YesNoAccount Number: *AgreementIn submitting this completed Questionnaire, we certify the responses to be true and correct to the best of our knowledge.If your Company is NOT CTPAT and/or PIP certified, please complete the balance of the survey. Personnel SecurityIf your response is NO to any question in this section, please explain what action(s) you take to address the security risk.Do you verify past employment history and conduct police verification/background checks on prospective employees? * *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Do you have an employee termination procedure that includes recovering keys, identification badges and other access devices? * *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Business Partner RequirementsIf your response is NO to any question in this section, please explain what action(s) you take to address the security risk. Does your Company have a procedure that all customers must have an account set up before moving any freight? And does that process include financial soundness, security processes, business references and a brick and mortar business address? * *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Does your Company possess documentation indicating whether your business partners are or are not CTPAT/PIP or equivalent Supply Chain Security Program certified? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Does your Company conduct periodic review/updates of your business partners' processes and facilities based on risk? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Does your Company reach out to your business partners' custom brokers to verify the account in good standing and confirm with border agents if necessary? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Physical SecurityIf your response is NO to any question in this section, please explain what action(s) you take to address the security risk.Is your facility equipped with fire detection, alarm systems, locks, camera/CCTV surveillance or a security guard and are all areas inside and outside your facility, including parking areas, adequately lighted? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Does the Company Management maintain control and distribution of all locks and keys? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Physical Access ControlIf your response is NO to any question in this section, please explain what action(s) you take to address the security risk.Are access security policies and procedures documented, controlled, communicated to applicable employees and periodically reviewed and updated by Company Management? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Are records or a logbook kept of visitor names, company they are representing, purpose of visit and entrance/exit times maintained? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Are visitors escorted by other employees while visiting your facility? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Procedural SecurityIf your response is NO to any question in this section, please explain what action(s) you take to address the security risk.Do you maintain a list of emergency contact numbers for both external agencies like Law Enforcement, Fire, Medical Aid and Key Staff/Management? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Does your Company encourage your shippers to use PU/PO #'s for an added layer to ensure correct loading? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Do you have procedures to ensure your customer has the correct products which are properly marked, weighed, counted and documented for your partner carriers? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Do you have written standards for selection and monitoring performance of service providers? Do you request information on their physical and procedural security? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Do you discuss security issues with your vendors? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Agricultural SecurityIf your response is NO to any question in this section, please explain what action(s) you take to address the security risk. Do your customers have procedures in place to verify the physical inspection of the conveyance (truck, trailers) and written procedures on how to address a pest contamination, including maintaining records of the type of pest contamination, where found and how the pest contamination was eliminated? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Information System SecurityIf your response is NO to any question in this section, please explain what action(s) you take to address the security risk. Are your Company computers protected by a periodic change of passwords? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Does the Company provide IT security policies, procedures and standards to employees in the form of training? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Does your Company have a system in place to identify the abuse of IT including improper access, tampering or the altering of business data? Are system violators subject to appropriate disciplinary actions? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Do you keep data and records in a controlled, safe and secure environment? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:CybersecurityIf your response is NO to any question in this section, please explain what action(s) you take to address the security risk. Does your Company have systems, procedures and protocols regarding cybersecurity threats and corrective action? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Does your Company routinely test for cybersecurity vulnerabilities? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Does your Company have protocols to report unauthorized access attempts to your system to Customs and or Law Enforcement agencies? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Security Awareness TrainingIf your response is NO to any question in this section, please explain what action(s) you take to address the security risk. Do you have a threat awareness training program established and maintained to recognize and encourage awareness of the threat posed by terrorists and contraband smugglers at each point in your supply chain? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO:Is specific training provided to assist employees in detecting unlawful activity, access and suspicious behaviour within the Company? *YesNoNot ApplicableIf the response is NO: Please complete all required * fieldsThis site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.Submit